Save the date!
Fecc Congress 2025
10-12 Sept. 2025, Hamburg
Fecc Annual Congress
The go-to event for everyone in the chemical value chain!

Experts highly topical input
Every topic is introduced by an external expert with profound know-how in the respective area, setting the scene with the latest facts and figures.

Panels with outstanding industry leaders
Data, issues, and trends is commented on and brought into perspective by our outstanding industry leaders and panellists with diverse backgrounds and areas of responsibility.

Unique networking opportunities
Ample networking opportunities along the entire chemical supply chain contribute largely to extending the attendees’ outreach towards existing and new peers. Don’t miss out on this unique chance to connect with industry experts/leaders and professionals from around the world, exchange ideas, and stay updated on the latest trends in our industry.

Exceptional venues
The Congress unfolds in a most entertaining way and in exceptional venues.
Save the date 2025!
We look forward to welcoming you to Hamburg for an unforgettable experience at the Fecc Annual Congress 2025, taking place from 10 to 12 September at the Grand Elysée Hotel!
More details regarding registration, accommodation options, sponsor opportunities and other practical information will be communicated to you in due time.
In case of questions, please contact us at
Previous editions
The Fecc Annual Congress made a super successful and grand return to Sitges/Barcelona, Spain, for its 2024 edition from 11 to 13 September!
“Quo Vadis Europe?” was the motto of 2024 Annual Congress of Fecc (= the European Association of Chemical Distributors). Check out what made this event unforgettable and unique: