
Fecc Annual Congress 2024 – Quo Vadis Europe?
We are pleased to invite you to our Annual Congress that will take place on 11-13 September 2024 in Sitges (Barcelona Area), Spain, Hotel ME Terramar (Conference and Meeting Venue)
Passeig Marítim, 80, 08870 Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
This year, Fecc will offer participants again a sparkling and unique programme, starting with a masterclass titled: “Chemicals and chemicals distribution in Europe – Quo vadis?” with Accenture on Wednesday, 11 September, before officially opening the Congress with a welcome reception at the pool bar of our conference hotel.
For the two conference days on Thursday, 12 September and Friday, 13 September we foresee a first-class selection of major topics with high relevance not only chemical distributors in particular, but actually for all chemical value chain players in general. These topics are:
- Quo vadis, Europe? The regulator’s view
- Resilience and Transformation: Shaping the Future of Europe’s Industry
- Quo vadis, European chemical industry?
- Next-level manufacturing
- Next-level distribution
- and the forum/focus topic this year on Friday, 13 September is: Chemical Innovation, featuring the following aspects:
- Consumer Trends 2025+
- Innovation in Practice: “New chemicals in sight? Innovation made in Europe” & “From seed to solution – growing ideas into innovation”
- The brand owners’ perspectives. Hear them first-hand from Reckitt, IKEA and Hyundai.
Every topic will be introduced by an external expert with profound know-how in the respective area, setting the scene with the latest facts and figures. Data, issues and trends will afterwards be commented on and brought into perspective by our outstanding panellists with diverse backgrounds and areas of responsibility.
The end of this year’s Fecc Annual Congress is foreseen for Friday, 13 September at 15:00h, after the Closing Group Lunch: open air at Rooftop Bar of ME Terramar with fantastic views on the Catalan coastline!
11 September 2024
- 17:00 – 18:30 | Masterclass on “Chemicals and chemicals distribution in Europe – Quo vadis?”, delivered by Bernd Elser, Senior Managing Director, Global Lead for Chemicals and Global Lead for Natural Resources, Accenture Frankfurt.
- 19:30 | First-time Joiners’ Reception: pool terrace of Hotel ME Terramar
- 20:00 | Opening cocktail reception: pool terrace of Hotel ME Terramar
12 September 2024
Full congress day (9:00 – 17:00, plenary)
Main topics:
- Quo vadis, Europe? The regulator’s view, interview with Sharon McGuinness, Executive Director European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
- Resilience and Transformation: Shaping the Future of Europe’s Industry, presentation by Stefan Koch, Head Chemical and Advanced Materials Industry, World Economic Forum
- Quo vadis, European chemical industry?, with speakers: Georg Winkler, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company; Ib Jensen, President & CEO, Perstorp Group; Richard Jenkins, Senior Vice President & Executive Committee Member, Arkema; Dahai Yu, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Roehm GmbH.
- Next-level manufacturing, with speakers: Babette Pettersen, Vice-President, LanzaTech; Alexander Traut, Vice-President, Global Strategic Marketing Intermediates, BASF.
- Next-level distribution, with speakers: Madjar Navah, Managing Director and Partner, Boston Consulting Group; Anna Bertona, CEO, Azelis; Michael B. Friede, CEO Brenntag Specialties & Member of the Board of Management of Brenntag SE; Patrick Elie, Chairman of the Board, Equilex; Dany Njeim, CEO, RN Chemicals.
Networking activities:
- 19:00 | Buses depart for networking activities
- 19:30 | Cocktail reception at Font de la Canya
- 20:30 | Gala-dinner at Font de la Canya
13 September 2024
Second Congress Day (09:00 – 13:00), taking place at the conference area, followed by an open-air networking lunch at the Hotel ME Terramar’s roof top bar with spectacular views on the coastline of Sitges.
- 8:00 | Networking Breakfast in Conference Area
- 9:00 – 9:15 | Opening of Day 2 Program
- 09:15 – 13:00 | Chemical Innovation Forum with speakers: Thorsten Zierlein, Strategy Partner, Deloitte Munich; Wolfram Stichert, CEO, hte GmbH; Thomas Philipon, CEO, TotalEnergies Corbion; Andre Chieffi, Senior R&D Manager, Reckitt; Mukesh Sharma & Marius Lehadus, Material and Innovation Developers, IKEA; Timo Unger, Manager Environmental Affairs, Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center GmbH.
- 13:00 – 14:30 | Group lunch at Hotel Terramar’s roof top bar, open air and with spectacular views on the Sitges coastline.
- 14:30 | Congress closure.